Transformation of Hong Kong in the Post-WWII Era and the Return of Hong Kong to the Motherland: The Development of Representative Government in 1980-2000 (Part 2)

Mr Jasper Tsang

This video responds to the foundation part "Transformation of Hong Kong in the post-WWII era and the return of Hong Kong to the motherland" of Topic 12 "The growth and transformation of Hong Kong in the 20th century" of the junior secondary History subject curriculum. According to the curriculum document, the learning point of this topic is the developments in politics in post-WWII Hong Kong. In this video, we have invited Mr Jasper Tsang, Director of Hong Kong Policy Research Institute (HKPRI) to introduce us the development of representative government of Hong Kong in 1980-2000. Students can pay attention to the background of the development of representative government in Hong Kong in the 1980s, the development process of the relevant political system, and the challenges encountered.

Video Information
Category | Online teaching Language | Cantonese
Level | Subject | History

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