About EOCP

Message from the Vice President (Academic) and Provost

Welcome to the EdUHK Online Classes Platform.

The unknowns brought about by the pandemic remind us of the importance of innovation and coping with changes, and also create many opportunities for doing things in alternative ways. Within a year, our teachers and students swiftly made a transition to online learning and teaching, and are now committing to making the best use of a virtual or blended learning environment to refresh our learning ecosystem in the “new normal”.

As a leading teaching education institution in Hong Kong, The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) developed this “EdUHK Online Classes Platform (EOCP)” to provide educational videos clips, as well as videos on online teaching pedagogy. Apart from providing readily usable teaching and learning videos, the EOCP aims to foster the development of Communities of Practice (CoPs) among in-service teachers and student-teachers. You will find information about our CoP activities and sharing from CoP members on this website.

I look forward to working with you to positively shape our community and create a better future for education in Hong Kong and beyond.

Professor John Chi-Kin LEE
Vice President (Academic) and Provost
Chair Professor of Curriculum and Instruction
Chairperson of Learning and Teaching Quality Committee

About EOCP

COVID-19 and its ripple effects cause a permanent impact on learning and teaching environment in local schools. Due to the temporary suspension of face-to-face classes, shifting to online or blended classes swiftly as circumstances require will become a new normal.

EdUHK, as a leading teaching education institution in Hong Kong, developed a platform named EdUHK Online Classes Platform (EOCP) in May 2020 as a crisis response. At the beginning, the platform aimed to share readily usable teaching and learning videos with local schools to cater the immediate needs for in-service teachers. Later on, as remote learning continued and more needs in online teaching emerged, EOCP extended its features to include webinars and workshops which covered sharing by school principals and frontline teachers; videos and other resources about online pedagogies in subject-specific contexts; Communities of Practice (CoPs) which fostered exchange of insights in learning and teaching under the New Normal; as well as an online teaching experience scheme through which pre-service teachers at EdUHK served in local schools to support curricular and co-curricular activities online.

It is hoped that the EOCP will be a lively hub of resources and activities in online teaching, contributing to the preparedness of the education community to address challenges in an increasingly digital education landscape.