Game-based Learning: Imperatives

Yuen Wing Shan Coei

Upon involvement in the game-based learning experience, with the incorporation of the Cooking Mama application, students should be able to elucidate the relationship between the form, meaning and use of imperatives. To ensure students' acquisition of the target language, the content is introduced with a sequence of logical and clear steps. First off, they are acquainted with the shopping list (i.e., the list involving the use of quantities nouns) created in the previous lesson as the activation of prior knowledge. After that, they are engaged in the hands-on practice of playing the game and writing down the imperatives appearing in the app. They are then expected to discern the pattern and function of the target form themselves with the provision of illustrations and the teacher’s guidance. Last but not least, students are assigned a post-lesson task in which they have to post the examples of imperatives that they discover in their daily lives and the pertinent use on Padlet as the consolidation.

Video Information
Category | Online teaching Language | English
Level | Subject | English Language

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