Tutorials on Classroom Management and Pedagogy: Online PE (Chinese YMCA College)

Mr. Tam Chi Chung (Assistant Principal), Dr. Chow Chi Ching Gary, Miss Lam Yuen Sum

PE teacher from a secondary school – Mr. Tam was invited to talk about the difficulties and solutions on online teaching in PE subject under the pandemic. To solve privacy and teaching limitation in online classes, physical fitness self-learning platform was developed for students to browse different exercise videos demonstrated by teachers, so as to complete the exercise at home according to their ability and environmental limitation. Meanwhile, the online platform could record video views and students’ progress to encourage them to build up exercise habits. By the application of online tools, data can be collected and analyzed through the app, students could review their exercise records in order to raise their awareness of their body changes. Besides, teachers can prepare topics that students may be interested in during online classes, such as food nutrients, healthy weight reduction methods, etc. Online tools - Edpuzzle and Quizizz were mentioned to be one of the interactive methods to communicate with students through the online lessons, students were also recommended to hand in their exercise videos to achieve their goals. Finally, the speaker believes that there would be more online platforms to assist teachers in the future, so as to maintain good teaching quality in the online teaching era.

Video Information
Category | Online Teaching Pedagogy and Skill Language | Cantonese
Level | Subject | Physical Education

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