Making a Video to Introduce My School

Lo Weng Tat Alfred

This microteaching video serves as an example of developing Hong Kong S.1 students' listening and speaking skills based on their previous knowledge, through the employment of different e-resources in the midst of online learning. The topic is "I am a YouTuber: Introducing my school online!", and the main learning objective is for students to make a video to introduce their own school. The teacher adopts the task-based learning approach, and prepares several activities to stimulate students' previous knowledge and to provide them opportunities to practise the language used.
In this microteaching video, the teacher starts the lesson with a round of discussion to engage the students. Then, he analyses the reading text with the class. After the summary of the lesson, the students do an interactive quiz on Kahoot. 

Video Information
Category | Online teaching Language | English
Level | Subject | English Language

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